Currently studying a masters of Drawingn and painting at the Florence Academy of Art in the US campus. Graduated from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogota, Colombia in the year 2004, with certification in Children's Illustrations Techniques (2007) from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, and engravings over metal with master Marcos Roda (2005). With publications in the Etnollano Foundation, the International Cooperation Presidential Agency Colombia, and the Colombian Reconciliation Program book “Mapiripan”also in (2017) Julio Carrizosa Book (Colombia Compleja) “Complex Colombia” in (2014), Cota Mairie Book (Raices de Nuestra Gente) “Roots of Our People” (2013) Colombian the "En El Medio" (In the media) Magazine from the Pontifical Javeriana University (2011-2012), 52nd poster session in the Bogota Drawing Project (2011), illustrations in the book "Entre Cantos y Llantos" (Between songs and Cries) from the Sikuani Culture (2010), and in the campaign for military penal justice "Arbol de Valores" (Tree of Values) (2008) and "Huellas de Cambio" (Footprints of Change) (2007) among others. Organizer and participant of the Biblotrazo Project at four of the most important Public Bibliaries in Bogotá and Bogota Drawing Project (2010-2011), sculpting artist of the monument in memory of "the 19 traders" in Bucaramanga, Santander (2010-2011).
Colombian Consulate, Miami, USA, September/October 2018
Arte Laguna Prize 12 at the Arsenale in Venice, Italy (Biafarin Honor Award) March 2018, “Idols” at the Barcu art fair, Bogotá, Colombia October 2017
3hands, aMano Creative Laboratory, Bogotá, Colombia October 2017
Bogotá Rotary Club, “Rotary in the Art” Leonardo Da Vinci School, October 2017
“Outside” in Tabio, Colombia with POLIEDRO ARTS and also at the ARTCali fair, October 2016
“Essence”, in in Bogotá and “THE SOLAR” with ZQD Gallery in Bucaramanga in 2015,
Roots of Our People, Cota Mairie, December 2013
The other / participant with the collective Mr. Nobody in the project "I exist" (Existo) October 2010- Bogota D. C.
XIII National Contest of Painting BBVA, House of Currency-Bank of the Republic October 2005-January 2006 Bogota D.C. Full Moon Art Show Saint
Michel Hotel in association with Sacred Entertainment, Coral Gables, FL USA
9 Salon of Academic Art
Gilberto Alzate Avendano Foundation
Comfandi Lobbies, Cali-Colombia
Academic Art Museum, Medellin-Colombia
El Tintal Library, Bogota
El Tunal Library, Bogota
The Garage, Collective of Young Art II, Alternate Lobby, 2004 Bogota
Citiexposiciones (Citiexhibitions) - Young Colombian Artists, Citibank Bank Bogota
XI National Contest of Painting BBVA / Rancher Bank (Banco Ganadero), Virgilio Barco Library, 2003 Bogota
Over load at aMAno Creative Laboratory, Bogotá June 2016
Witzara, (where plane becomes jungle), Bogota - Colombia, July 2014 Project Design / Art and Decoration Bogota - Colombia, July-August 2005